Air-Fried Salmon Tacos

60 minutes

serves 2

No matter how you slice it, you can’t really go wrong with tacos. If you have fresh ingredients and a tasty salsa, you’re pretty much good to go. The one kind of taco I feel iffy about is the notorious fried fish taco — beer battered white fish that is fried, then lathered in fattening aioli, topped with slaw and sandwiched in a tortilla. Now, these are delicious, but why un-healthify something that’s already so perfect and simple? Don’t get me wrong, I love the taste of fish tacos, but I never see the point in ordering them due to how heavy they are compared to the average chicken taco.

That’s why I came up with this air-fried salmon taco recipe, that’s packed with omega-3’s! You know I love my healthy fats because they are great for almost everything. So, for this recipe, I first create a chipotle corn “aioli,” which is essentially puréed corn with cashew milk and seasonings. Then, I coat my salmon with crushed tortilla chips (I chose cauliflower tortilla chips because #health, but you can choose whatever you want) and then I air-fried the salmon until it was perfectly crispy. Throw the aioli and salmon onto a sprouted corn tortilla with guacamole and salsa, and this is my fried fish taco dream without the guilt.

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Air-Fried Salmon Tacos
1 1/4lbs fresh salmon
Juice of 1 lime
1/4cup avocado oil
2tsp chipotle powder
2tsp garlic powder
2tsp onion powder
1cup tortilla chips (I used cauliflower chips, you can also use corn or any kind that you prefer)
Corn tortillas
Pico de gallo
Red onion slices